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Edgbaston High School for Girls

Liquid laminated wallcovering

Liquid laminated wallcovering

Liquid laminated wallcovering

Liquid laminated wallcovering

Liquid laminated wallcovering

Liquid laminated wallcovering
The senior art and IT teacher at Egbaston High School for Girls requested a site survey after seeing our e-mail flyer of work projects and wall covering samples to discuss a time line montage for the main school corridor. He produced very detailed artwork to the correct resolution as per our file saving guides. Print tests were produced beforehand to make sure the images were of good enough quality to reproduce at the finished size. The finished wall size was 15.6metres long by 2200mm high. Liquid laminated wall coverings were produced and tiled
in 1200mm wide sections and were fitted after school hours. Also the conference room had the same treatment but on a smaller scale.
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